

1Graphene-embedded  Oblique V-shaped Silver Nanoarrays for Hydrophobic Pollutants  Pre-concentration and High-sensitivity SERS DetectionJournal of Hazardous  MaterialsSCIE一区(2021),A4(2021)4263
2Superconducting  hydrogen tubes in hafnium hydrides at high pressurePHYSICAL REVIEW BA3(2021),SCIE二区top(2021)

3Direct generation of  mid-infrared pulsed optical vortices at ~ 2.7 μmOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)2925
4Luminescence  performance and vibronic behavior of Mn4+-activated Ca14−xKxAl10Zn6O35  deep-red phosphorOPTICS LETTERSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)4623
5Direct generation of  ultrafast vortex beam from a Tm:CaYAlO4 oscillator featuring pattern matching  of a folded-cavity resonatorOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)2924
6Enhancing  electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction to ammonia with rare earth (La, Y, Sc) on  high-index faceted platinum alloy concave nanocubesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS  CHEMISTRY ASCIE一区(2021),A3(2021)9
7Large-area  mid-infrared broadband absorbers based on spiral ITO resulting from the  combination of two different broadening absorption methodsOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)2921
8High-index faceted  Pt-Ru alloy concave nanocubes with enhancing ethanol and CO electro-oxidationELECTROCHIMICA ACTASCIE二区top(2021)396
9Tuning of electronic  and optical properties of a predicted silicon allotrope: Hexagonal silicon  h10-SiPHYSICAL REVIEW BSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)10412
10Pressure-induced  boron clathrates with ambient-pressure superconductivityJOURNAL OF MATERIALS  CHEMISTRY CSCIE一区(2021),A3(2021)9
11Tm:YAG single-crystal  fiber laserOPTICS LETTERSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)

12Color regulation for  dual-states of electrochromic polymer accompanied with light induced  coloration effectDYES AND PIGMENTSSCIE二区top(2021)193
13One-dimensional  ferromagnetic semiconductor CrSbSe3 with high Curie temperature and large  magnetic anisotropyPHYSICAL REVIEW BSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)1048
14Electronic structures  of various (001) and (111) surfaces, interfaces and spin transport properties  of half-metallic fully compensated ferrimagnet Cr2SeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND  COMPOUNDSSCIE二区top(2021),A4(2021)884
15Prediction of the  two-dimensional Janus ferrovalley material LaBrIPHYSICAL REVIEW BSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)1043
16Helium incorporation  induced direct-gap silicidesNPJ COMPUTATIONAL  MATERIALSSCIE一区(2021),A4(2021)789
17A cage boron  allotrope with high superconductivity at ambient pressureJOURNAL OF MATERIALS  CHEMISTRY CSCIE一区(2021),A3(2021)9
18Sub-five-optical-cycle  pulse generation from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:CaYAlO4 laserOPTICS LETTERSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)4610
19Colloidal  semiconductor nanocrystals: synthesis, optical nonlinearity, and related  device applicationsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS  CHEMISTRY CSCIE一区(2021),A3(2021)9
20One-Pot Synthesis of  B/P-Codoped Co-Mo Dual-Nanowafers Electrocatalysts for Overall Water  SplittingACS APPLIED MATERIALS  & INTERFACESSCIE一区(2021),A4(2021)13
21Exploring the  evolution of pores in HIPed Y2O3 transparent ceramicsCERAMICS  INTERNATIONALSCIE二区top(2021)847
22Composite structure  Cr:YAG/Ce:YAG and (Ce,Cr):YAG/Ce:YAG transparent ceramics with high color  rendering index for white LEDs/LDsCERAMICS  INTERNATIONALSCIE二区top(2021)478
23Collision between  soliton and polarization domain walls in fiber lasersOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)298
24Chip-level Ce:GdYAG  ceramic phosphors with excellent chromaticity parameters for high-brightness  white LED deviceOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)298
25Preparation of a  silver nano-tripod structure by a tilting angle deposition technique and its  SERS applicationOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)299
26Broadband emission  Gd3Sc2Al3O12:Ce3+ transparent ceramics with a high color rendering index for  high-power white LEDs/LDsOPTICS EXPRESSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)296
27A novel route to  fabricate Yb:YAG ceramic fiber and its optical performanceJOURNAL OF THE  EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETYSCIE二区top(2021)41
28Effective calcination  pretreatment of Lu2O3 powders for LuAG transparent ceramicsCERAMICS  INTERNATIONALSCIE二区top(2021)475
29Structured laser  beams: toward 2-μm femtosecond laser vorticesPHOTONICS RESEARCHSCIE一区(2021),A3(2021)

30Electric-polarization-driven  magnetic phase transition in a ferroelectric–ferromagnetic heterostructureAPPLIED PHYSICS  LETTERSSCIE二区top(2021),A3(2021)118062903
31A novel carbon  thermal reduction approach to prepare recorded purity b-Ti3O5 compacts from  titanium dioxide and phenolic resinJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND  COMPOUNDSSCIE二区top(2021),A4(2021)853
32Fabrication, optical  and luminescence properties of low pressure injection molded YAG:Ce tubular  ceramics for outdoor lightingJOURNAL OF THE  EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETYSCIE二区top(2021)41
33High thermal  stability and color purity of red-emitting phosphor Y2SiWO8: Eu3+ for wLEDs:  Synthesis and photoluminescence propertiesCERAMICS  INTERNATIONALSCIE二区top(2021)471



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