Junqing Zhao received the Doctor of Engineering degree in Optical Engineering from Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, in 2014, for research on pulsed fiber lasers. Since then, his research has covered device, system, and application aspects of fiber lasers and amplifiers, first with the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Laser Engineering, Shenzhen University, China, and later with the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton, U.K. He is currently with the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Laser Materials and Devices, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China. He has published some 50 scientific articles. He is a Life Member of the Optical Society of America.
He has been teaching the College Physics course for international students ever since 2017 when this course just began to offer in Jiangsu Normal University.
Name Junqing Zhao (赵俊清)
Gender Male
Date of Birth 12 May 1984
Contact points Tel: (+86)13632729296
E-mail: junqingzhao@outlook.com
Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2011-Jun.2014)
Major: Optical Engineering
Shenzhen University
Master of Science (Sep.2009-Jul.2011)
Major: Optics
Shenzhen University
Bachelor of Science (Sep.2005-Jul.2009)
Major: Applied Physics
Henan Polytechnic University
Jan.2015-Dec.2015: Visiting Academic, High Power Fibre Lasers Group, Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
Jun. 2019-Now: Associate Professor, Jiangsu Normal University, China
Oct.2016-Jun. 2019: Lecturer, Jiangsu Normal University, China
Aug.2014-Oct.2016: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, China.
Peer-reviewed Publications (first/corresponding authored only, last 5 years)
Jian Zhou, Zikai Chen, and Junqing Zhao*, “Microfiber-Knot-Resonator-Induced Partial Elimination of Longitudinal Modes in Fiber Lasers for In-Tune-Switchable Nanosecond Pulse Generation,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(4), 875-880 (2020).
Junqing Zhao, Jian Zhou, Lei Li, Mariusz Klimczak, Andrey Komarov, Lei Su, Dingyuan Tang, Deyuan Shen, and Luming Zhao, “Narrow-bandwidth h-shaped pulse generation and evolution in a net normal dispersion thulium-doped fiber laser,” Optics Express, 27(21), 29770-29780 (2019).
Junqing Zhao, Lei Li, Luming Zhao, Dingyuan Tang, Deyuan Shen, and Lei Su, “Tunable and switchable harmonic h-shaped pulse generation in a 3.03 km ultralong mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser,” Photonics Research, 7(3), 332-340 (2019).
Junqing Zhao, Jian Zhou, Lei Li, Luming Zhao, Dingyuan Tang, Deyuan Shen, and Lei Su, “Dissipative soliton resonance and its depression into burst-like emission in a holmium-doped fiber laser with large normal dispersion,” Optics Letters, 44(10), 2414-2417 (2019).
Junqing Zhao, Lei Li, Luming Zhao, Dingyuan Tang, and Deyuan Shen, “Dissipative Soliton Resonances in a Mode-Locked Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(19), 1699 - 1702 (2018).
Junqing Zhao, Lei Li, Luming Zhao, Dingyuan Tang, and Deyuan Shen, “Peak-Power-Clamped Passive Q-Switching of a Thulium/Holmium Co-Doped Fiber Laser,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(20), 4975 - 4980 (2018).
Junqing Zhao, Lei Li, Luming Zhao, Dingyuan Tang, and Deyuan Shen, “Cavity-birefringence-dependent h-shaped pulse generation in a thulium-holmium doped fiber laser,” Optics Letters, 43(2), 247-250 (2018).
Junqing Zhao, Fuqiang Jia, Yutong Feng, and Johan Nilsson, “Continuous-Wave 3.1–3.6 μm Difference-Frequency Generation of Dual Wavelength-Tunable Fiber Sources in PPMgLN-Based Rapid-Tuning Design,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(3), 3100208 (2018).
Junqing Zhao, Zhijian Zheng, Deqin Ouyang, Minqiu Liu, Xikui Ren, Shuangchen Ruan, and Weixin Xie, “70-W Graphene-Oxide Passively Q-Switched Thulium-Doped Double-Clad Fiber Laser,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23(1), 0900207 (2017).
Junqing Zhao, Deqin Ouyang, Zhijian Zheng, Minqiu Liu, Xikui Ren, Chunbo Li, Shuangchen Ruan, and Weixin Xie, “100 W dissipative soliton resonances from a thulium-doped double-clad all-fiber-format MOPA system,” Optics Express, 24(11), 12072-12081 (2016).
Junqing Zhao, Luming Zhao, Lei Li, and Ying Geng, “1.04 km Ultra-Long Cladding-Pumped Thulium-Doped Fiber Laser with Large Energy Noise-Like-Toped Dissipative Soliton Resonances,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), Singapore, 31 July-4 Aug. 2017, paper s1002 (2017).
“Study on the fabrication and application of all-optical modulator based on the optical Kerr effect of black phosphorus quantum dots,” National Natural Science Foundation of China(61705094). The project leader.
“Study on high energy mode-locked Raman fiber laser based on novel black phosphorus quantum dots evanescent-field-coupling devices,” Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20170243). The project leader.
“Study on 2 μm high power single-frequency pulsed laser with hybrid MOPA and pulse shaping,” China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2015M572353). The project leader.
Fibre-Laser Imaging of Gas Turbine Exhaust Species (FLITES) program (EP/J00278X/1). Responsible for the development of fibre-based optical sources adapted for gas sensing at mid-IR wavelengths. (Some open information: http://www.flites.eu/)
College Physics (fully in English): Course for international undergraduate students
Nonlinear Fiber Optics: Course for graduate students