Short Curriculum Vitae of Jianing Zhang


Short Curriculum Vitae of Jianing Zhang

Jianing Zhang received the Doctor of Engineering degree in Optical from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2016, for research on fiber lasers. She is currently with School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, China.

She has been teaching the College Physics course for international students ever since 2017 when this course just began to offer in Jiangsu Normal University.

Name: Jianing Zhang (张佳宁)

Gender: Female

Date of Birth:3 Mar 1989

Contact points: Tel: (+86)18252159810


  • Doctor of Engineering(Sep.2011-Jun.2016)

  • Major:Optical

  • Fudan University

  • Bachelor of Engineering(Sep.2007-Jul.2011)

  • Major: Electronic Science and Technology

  • Shandong University


Oct.2017-Now:Assistant Professor, Jiangsu Normal University, China

Publications (first/corresponding authored only, last 5 years)

1. Jianing Zhang, Bihui Chen, Deyuan Shen*, Xiaodong Xu and Hao Chen, Stable gain-switched operation of a Ho:CYA laser resonantly pumped at 1922 nm, Laser Physics Letters 2017, 14(4): 045806.

2. Jianing Zhang, Deyuan Shen*, Xiaodong Xu and Hao Chen, Widely tunable, narrow linewidth Ho:CaYAlO4 laser with a volume Bragg grating, Optical Materials Express 2016, 6(6): 1768-1773.

3. Jianing Zhang, Deyuan Shen*, Jian Zhang, Dingyuan Tang and Hao Chen, Gain-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser with an acousto-optic modulator, Optical Engineering 2016, 55(4): 046115.

4. Jianing Zhang, Qiyao Liu, Deyuan Shen*, Jian Zhang, Dingyuan Tang and Hao Chen, Short pulse width gain-switched Ho:YAG ceramic laser at ~2.09 μm, Applied Optics 2016, 55(8): 1890-1893.

5. Jianing Zhang, Weichao Yao, Haotian Wang, Wei Zhou, Xiang Wu and Deyuan Shen, A Watt-Level Single-Frequency Fiber Laser at 2 μm Using a Silica Prolate Microresonator, Photonics Technology Letters 2019, 31(15): 1241-1244.


“Study of spectrum control in distributed feedback Er:Y2O3 ceramic laser based on femtosecond laser inscription,” Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20190993). The project leader.


  • College Physics (fully in English): Course for international undergraduate students

  • Principles of lasers: Course for undergraduate students



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