


冯宪,教授,博士生导师,Email: xianfeng@jsnu.edu.cn








1999-2000 年,在日本国京都大学综合人类学部田部(TANABE)研究室任外国人共同研究者,从事稀土掺杂宽带增益玻璃材料及光纤研究。

2000-2001年,于美国新泽西州立大学(Rutgers,罗德格斯大学)陶瓷学系担任博士后研究员,参与由杜邦公司资助的稀土掺杂纳米晶体复合高聚物光纤放大器项目;并得到Elias Snitzer教授的指点。

2001-2015, 在英国南安普顿大学光电子研究中心工作,任研究员、高级研究员(永久职位);先后受到Tanya MonroDavid Richardson教授的直接领导,从事新型非石英玻璃特种光子晶体光纤的设计、制造和应用的研究。




一直致力于材料-光纤-光纤器件这一技术主线的应用性研究,拥有丰富的全光纤系统集成经验,掌握特种光纤从材料-光纤-器件应用的全套核心技术。其中非石英玻璃光子晶体光纤的设计制造、用于中红外碲酸盐玻璃和硫系玻璃超大模场光子晶体光纤、2-5微米和2-12微米高功率中红外光纤超连续谱光源等多项工作受到国际高度认可,工作多次被国际光学主流媒体Laser Focus World等报道,并被非线性光纤光学的Govind P. Agrawal教授在其专著Nonlinear fiber optics5版中多处引用。

迄今发表高水平英文学术论文近170篇,h-index 25,论文总被引次数超过3000次(根据谷歌学术)




20171-201812月,任美国光学学会(Optical Society of America)光纤设计和制造技术小组(Fiber Modeling and Fabrication (FF) Technical Group)组长,代表美国光学学会负责特种光纤设计、研究和应用等领域在全球的推广工作。


X. Feng*, P. Horak, F. Poletti, Chapter 9: “Tellurite Glass Fibers for Mid-infrared Nonlinear Applications,” In: Rivera V., Manzani D. (eds) Technological Advances in Tellurite Glasses. Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol 254 (2017).



1. Xian Feng, He Ren, Fu Xu, Jindan Shi, Sisheng Qi, Yongsheng Hu, Jinwen Tang, Feng Han, Deyuan Shen, and Zhiyong Yang, Few-moded ultralarge mode area chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber for mid-infrared high power applications, Opt. Express 28, 16658-16672 (2020)

2. Yanjiang Yu, Jindan Shi, Feng Han, Wenjuan Sun, and Xian Feng, High-precision fiber Bragg gratings inscription by infrared femtosecond laser direct-writing method assisted with image recognition, Opt. Express 28, 8937-8948 (2020)

3. Jindan Shi, Feng Han, Chuanwei Cui, Yiming Yu, Xian Feng*, Mid-infrared dielectric-metal-semiconductor composite fiber, Optics Communications 459,125093(2020)

4. He Ren, Sisheng Qi, Yongsheng Hu, Feng Han, Jindan Shi, Xian Feng*, and Zhiyong Yang*, “All-solid mid-infrared chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber with ultralarge mode area,” Optics Letters, 44(22), 5553-5556 (2019)

5. He Ren, Yi Yu, Chengcheng Zhai, Bin Zhang, Anping Yang, Kangzhen Tian, Xian Feng, Zhiyong Yang, Pengfei Wang, BarryLuther-Davies, “Chalcogenide glass fibers with a rectangular core for polarized mid-infrared supercontinuum generation,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 517 (1) 57-60 (2019)

6. Mingjie Zhang, Lei Li, Tongtong Li, Fang Wang, Kangzhen Tian, Haizheng Tao, Xian Feng, Anping Yang, and Zhiyong Yang, Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide fibers with high laser damage threshold, Optics Express, 27(20) 29287-29296 (2019)

7. Mingyang Sun, Anping Yang, Xianghua Zhang, Hongli Ma, Mingjie Zhang, Kangzhen Tian, Xian Feng, Zhiyong Yang, GaSbSI chalcohalide glasses and fibers for midinfrared applications, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(11), 66006605 (2019)

8. Yubin Hou, Qian Zhang, Shuxian Qi, Xian Feng, and Pu Wang, 1.5  μm polarization-maintaining dual-wavelength single-frequency distributed Bragg reflection fiber laser with 28  GHz stable frequency difference, Optics Letters, 43(6), 1383-1386 (2018).

9. Jindan Shi, XianFeng*, Laser-induced nonlinear crystalline waveguide on glass fiber format and diode-pumped second harmonic generation, Optical Fiber Technology, 41, 118-124 (2017)

10. Mário F S Ferreira, Enrique Castro-Camus, David J Ottaway, José Miguel López-Higuera, Xian Feng, Wei Jin, Yoonchan Jeong, Nathalie Picqué, Limin Tong, Björn M Reinhard, Paul M Pellegrino, Alexis Méndez, Max Diem, Frank Vollmer and Qimin Quan, Roadmap on optical sensors, Journal of Optics, 19(8), 083001 (2017)(invited)

11. Chen Liu, Jiang Liu, Yijing Zhang, Yubin Hou, Shuxian Qi, Xian Feng, and Pu Wang, Stimulated Brillouin scattering suppression of thulium-doped fiber amplifier with fiber superfluorescent seed source, Optics Express 25(9), 9569-9578 (2017)

12. Kunyang Sui, Xian Feng*, Yubin Hou, Qian Zhang, Shuxian Qi, Yingying Wang, and Pu Wang, Glass-clad semiconductor germanium fiber for high-speed photodetecting applications,  Optical Materials Express, 7(4) 1211-1219 (2017)



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