


    66日上午,物理与电子工程学院邀请到美国佐治亚大学赵奕平教授在4楼学术报告厅作了一场题为《Functional Nanomaterials Fabricated by Dynamic Shadowing Growth》的精彩报告。物电学院沈德元院长主持学术报告会,学院部分老师和研究生聆听了赵奕平教授的学术报告。


    在此次报告中,赵奕平教授重点对Dynamic Shadowing Growth方法合成纳米材料的方法进行了介绍。Dynamic Shadowing Growth方法是赵奕平教授组开创的,此方法具有操作方便、可控性强等特点,能用于制备多种纳米结构材料。此外,赵奕平教授结合自己课题组设计的纳米材料对其在纳米马达、超常材料等方面的应用作了详尽而深入的讲解。提问环节,师生们踊跃发言,赵奕平教授就大家的提问进行了详尽的解答。整场报告在纳米材料领域联系物理、化学、生物、材料等学科,为我院师生展现了纳米材料领域的奥妙和引人探索的超凡魅力。









    Dr. Yiping Zhaoreceived his B.S. degree in Electronics from Peking University in 1991and MS degree in condensed matter physics from Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1994. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Physics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1999. He is currently a Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy in University of Georgia. Prof. Zhao is the author or co-author of more than 200 peer reviewed journal papers, 1 book, 5 book chapters, and 9 US patents. He has received the 2009 UGA Creative Research Medal. His major research interests are nanostructures and thin films fabrication and characterization, plasmonic nanostructures, chemical and biological sensors, hydrogen storage materials, nano-photocatalysts, and nanomotors.



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