2015年4月14日下午15:00,Prof. Kherreddine Lebbou在物电学院四楼学术报告厅做了题为“Single crystals growth and crystals performance for laser application”的学术报告,报告会由徐晓东老师主持,物电学院、先进激光材料与器件重点实验室部分师生参加了报告会。
Prof. Kherreddine Lebbou首先介绍了他在大尺寸、高质量Ti:Sapphire生长研究及其在ELI超高能激光系统中的应用情况,随后讲解了高效、新型的微下拉晶体生长技术及原理(micro-pulling down technique),其中重点介绍了微下法在激光晶体生长方面的优势以及一些重要的晶体光纤的应用。报告会结束后Prof. Kherreddine Lebbou与在场师生进行了热烈的互动交流,对老师和学生的提问进行了细致的回答。
Prof. K. Lebbou is leader of crystal growth group, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. Before he was working as post-doctorant at Laboratory of Material Chemistry, University of Verona and LPCML Laboratory, University of Lyon 1, then associate professor at Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University,leader of the crystal growth at researcher at Europe Owens Corning corporation.His research interest’s focus on rare earth doped materials, crystal growth methods, optical materials, luminescent materials and crystal growth equipment. He is Fonder of fibercryst company (www.fibercryst.com), created in 2003. The company is specialized in fibers crystals and optics. Now he is expert consulting on crystal growth field for some companies like Corning (USA) , RSA le rubis (France), Cyberstar (France), InPAC (France).