波兰Prof. Eugeniusz.Zych学术报告


  2015年4月16日上午9:30,Prof. Eugeniusz.Zych在物电学院四楼学术报告厅做了题为“The Beauty of Defects.On the Energy Storage in Lu2O3-Based Phosphors”的学术报告,报告会由先进激光材料与器件重点实验室副主任章健老师主持,物电学院、先进激光材料与器件重点实验室部分师生参加了报告会。

  Prof. Eugeniusz.Zych首先介绍了材料中的缺陷类型以及缺陷的储能原理,随后重点讲解不同离子参杂系统中参杂浓度、离子类型等因素对于热释发光作用机理,Prof. Eugeniusz.Zych认为Lu2O3-Based Phosphors体系,热释发光的衰减很弱,无明显余辉和光能损失现象,为良好的稳定的热释光材料,可用于医学探测和热源标记等应用。报告会结束后,Prof. Eugeniusz.Zych对师生提出的问题作了细致耐心的回答。


  Professor Eugeniusz Zych was born in Poland in 1959.His career is connected with Faculty of Chemistry, University of Wroclaw, where he received all his scientific degrees: Master (1983), PhD (1994), DsC (2002), Univesity Professor (2003), and the title of Professor (2009) given by the President of the country. In 2014 he received a position of full professor at the same University.In 1994-97 he worked within the group of prof. Charlie Brecher at Department of Chemistry, BostonUniversity.There he also cooperated with Prof. Alex Lempicki.

  His general scientific interest is luminescence materials and processes.He works with luminescent powders, and with sintered nano- and microceramics.In the core of his research are energy-conversion and energy-transfer processes occurring in scintillators, X-ray phosphors, persistent and storage phosphors as well as materials for solid state lighting.

 He received 8 patents, published more than 100 papers cited more than 1500 times and his H-index is 23.He (co)organized over 15 international conferences, gave about 30 invited lectures at universities in Europe, China and US and delivered over 100 lectures at scientific conferences.His research has been supported by Polish government, NATO and EU.





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