












  1. 集成电路工艺和设备相关研究;

  2. 半导体光电材料、器件研究


  1. 传感器技术(双语)

  2. 半导体光电材料

  3. 创新创业与科研训练

  4. 电子技术综合设计

  5. 光电实训

  6. 大学物理

  7. 电子线路课程实训

  8. 半导体物理基础(研究生)





  1. 20139- 20186月,吉林大学,微电子学与固体电子学专业,博士

  2. 20099- 20136月,吉林大学,微电子学,学士


  1. 20188- 至今,江苏师范大学,专任教师


  1. 江苏省集成电路学会会员

  2. 中国电子学会会员

  3. Electronics and Signal Processing 期刊青年编委

  4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Ceramics International, ACS Photonics等期刊审稿人


  1. 江苏省产学研项目:BY2020462;主持;结题。

  2. 科技部重点研发计划重点专项项目:SQ2020YFF0407077;主持;结题。

  3. 省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目:19KJD140002;主持;结题。

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:61774076,参研,结题。

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:61574069,参研,结题。

  6. 博士学位教师科研支持项目:9212218113;主持;结题。

  7. 科技开发横向项目:2020320307000022;主持;结题。

  8. 科技开发横向项目:2021320307000025;主持;结题。


  1. Zhiwei He, Chanjuan Liu, Jiuru Gao, Zichao Li, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Revealing the mechanism of interfacial adhesion enhancement between the SiO2 film and the GaAs substrate via plasma pre-treatments. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2024, 42(2):023113

  2. Jiuru Gao, Chanjuan Liu, Zhiwei He, Shuo Dong, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Bottom angle control mechanism and optimization of slanted gratings for optical applications. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2024, 42(2):023403

  3. Chanjuan Liu, Jiuru Gao, Zhiwei He, Kang Han, Zhen Yang, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*,  Mechanisms underlying temperature uniformity in electrostatic chucks through experimental and simulation methods. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 238: 122011.

  4. Xingyu Li, Lulu Guan, Jiuru Gao, Jie Yuan, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Improving broad-beam ion etching equipment through innovative ion optics design, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023,102:839-848

  5. Lulu Guan, Xingyu Li, Chunxiang Guo, Xinying Shi, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Exploring the self-limiting atomic layer etching of AlGaN: A study of O2-BCl3 and chlorinate-argon systems, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 2023, 41(4): 042603

  6. Jie Yuan, Xingyu Li, Lulu Guan, Zhuang Liu, Shuo Dong, Yuxin Yang, Kaidong Xu*, Shiwei Zhuang*, New theoretical model of the evolution of blazed gratings in the ion beam etching process, Optical Materials Express, 2023, 13(5): 1249-1258.

  7. Lulu Guan, Xingyu Li, Dongchen Che, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Plasma atomic layer etching of GaN/AlGaN materials and application: An overview, Journal of Semiconductors, 2022, 43(11): 113101.

  8. Yongjie Hu, Yudong Zhang, Xingyu Li, Jie Yuan, Lulu Guan, Zhuang Liu, Xiaobo Liu, Dongdong Hu, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Effects of combined coils on the uniformity of RF ion source. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 61(6): 066001.

  9. Shiwei Zhuang, Xingyu Li, Jian Liu*, Color regulation for dual-states of electrochromic polymer accompanied with light induced coloration effect. Dyes and Pigments, 2021(193):109464

  10. Yudong Zhang, Jiale Tang, Yongejie Hu, Jie Yuan, Lulu Guan, Xingyu Li, Hushan Cui, Guanghui Ding, Xinying Shi, Kaidong Xu, Shiwei Zhuang*, Investigation of hydrogen content on dielectric strength of the silicon nitride film deposited by ICP-CVD, Chinese Physics B, 2021(30): 48103.

  11. Shiwei Zhuang*, Jing He, Xue Ma, Yang Zhao, Hui Wang, Baolin Zhang, Fabrication and optimization of hole transport layer NiO for all inorganic perovskite light emitting diodes, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2020(109):104924.

  12. Shiwei Zhuang*, Jiale Tang, Zhiqiang Gu, Dongchen Che, Dongdong Hu, Lu Chen, Kaidong Xu, Microscale pattern etch of 4H–SiC by inductively coupled plasma. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 2019(30):18788-18793.

  13. Shiwei Zhuang, Xue Ma, Daqiang Hu, Xin Dong, Baolin Zhang*, Air-stable all inorganic green perovskite light emitting diodes based on ZnO/CsPbBr3/NiO heterojunction structure, Ceramics International, 2018(44):4690-4693

  14. Shiwei Zhuang, Xue Ma, Daqiang Hu, Xin Dong, Yuantao Zhang, Baolin Zhang*Green perovskite light emitting diodes based on the ITO/Al2O3/CsPbBr3 heterojunction structure, Optical Materials 2018 (77C):25-29

  15. Shiwei Zhuang, Bin Wu, Heng Xu, Chen Chi, Yuantao Zhang, Xin Dong, Baolin Zhang*, Guotong Du, UV-visible broad spectrum light emitting device of ZnO/MgO/ITO structure, Journal of Luminescence, 2017(187) :428-432

  16. Shiwei Zhuang, Deqian Xu, Jiaxin Xu, Bin Wu, Yuantao Zhang, Xin Dong, Guoxing Li, Baolin Zhang*, Guotong Du, Temperature-dependent photoluminescence on organic inorganic metal halide perovskite CH3NH3PbI3−xClx prepared on ZnO/FTO substrates using a two-step method, Chinese Physics B, 2017(26):01780.

  17. Xianwei Chu, Shiwei Zhuang, Chen Chi, Heng Xu, Guotong Du, Xin Dong, Jingzhi Yin*,Study on the electroluminescence properties of the p-NiMgO: Li/MgO/n-ZnO nanowires/ITO heterojunction, Journal of Luminescence, 2017(187) :486-491.

  18. Daqiang Hu, Shiwei Zhuang, Xin Dong, Guotong Du, Baolin Zhang, Yuantao Zhang, Jingzhi Yin*, Growth and properties of one-dimensional beta-Ga2O3 nanostructures on cplane sapphire substrates, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2018(75):31-35

  19. Daqiang Hu, Shiwei Zhuang, Zhengzheng Ma, Xin Dong, Guotong Du, Baolin Zhang, Yuantao Zhang, Jingzhi Yin*, Study on the optical properties of β-Ga2O3 films grown by MOCVD, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2017(28):10997-11001

  20. Bin Wu, Shiwei Zhuang, Chen Chi, Zhifeng Shi, Junyan Jiang, Xianwei Chu, Xin Dong, Wancheng Li, Yuantao Zhang, Baolin Zhang*, Guotong Du, The growth of ZnO on stainless steel foils by MOCVD and its application in light emitting devices. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016(18):5614-5621

  21. Bin Wu, Shiwei Zhuang, Chen Chi, Zhifeng Shi, Junyan Jiang, Xianwei Chu, Xin Dong, Wancheng Li, Guoxing Li, Yuantao Zhang, Baolin Zhang*, Guotong Du, Excellent optical quality versus strong grain boundary effect in a double-layer ZnO structure, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2016(31):3 035012

  22. 马雪,庄仕伟,韩丽锦,胡大强,张源涛,董鑫,吴国光,张宝林*,合成及薄膜制备条件对CsPbBr3全无机钙钛矿量子点特性的影响,发光学报,201940(8): 949-955

  23. Daqiang Hu, Ying Wang, Shiwei Zhuang, Xin Dong, Yuantao Zhang, Jinzhi Yin*, Baolin Zhang, Yuanjie Lv, Zhihong Feng, Guotong Du, Surface morphology evolution and optoelectronic properties of heteroepitaxial Si-doped β-Ga2O3 thin films grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Ceramics International, 2018(44):3122-3127

  24. Yang Zhao, Hui Wang, Shiwei Zhuang, Guoguang Wu, Jiyan Leng, Wancheng Li, Fubin Gao, Baolin Zhang, Guotong Du*, Near infrared electroluminescence from n-InN/p-NiO/GaN light-emitting diode fabricated by PAMBE, Optics Communications, 2016(371):128-131

  25. Feng Guo, Xinsheng Wang, Shiwei Zhuang, Guoxing Li, Baolin Zhang*, Penchu Chou, Nanodots and microwires of ZrO2 grown on LaAlO3 by photo-assisted metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, Chinese Physics B,2016(25):028103

  26. Zhifeng Shi, Yuantao Zhang, Shiwei Zhuang, Long Yan, Bin Wu, Xijun Cui, Zhen Huang, Xin Dong, Baolin Zhang*, Guotong Du, Vertically aligned two-dimensional ZnO nanowall networks: Controllable catalyst-free growth and optical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015(620):299-307


  1. 庄仕伟, 曾江杰. 一种LED灯分光分色的检测方法[P]. CN114791322A, 2022-07-26.

  2. 庄仕伟, 刘婵娟. 一种静电卡盘多区温控系统[P]. CN114678301A, 2022-06-28.

  3. 张宝林,庄仕伟,张源涛,马雪. 一种基于钙钛矿薄膜的全无机发光器件及其制备方法[P]. CN107863424B2019-06-21


  1. 20236月,江苏师范大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师。

  2. 202211月,物电学院2022年度青年教师教学竞赛三等奖。

  3. 20214月,2020年度校先进工作者。

  4. 202012月,获徐州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。

  5. 20208月,入选2020年江苏省科技副总项目。

  6. 20186月,被Journal of Alloys and Compounds杂志评为Outstanding Reviewer

  7. 20167月,获吉林大学“优秀助教”称号。

  8. 20145月,获全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCSA类一等奖。

  9. 201312月,获研究生国家奖学金。

  10. 20125月,获全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCSC类特等奖



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