2015年5月25日上午9:30,法国科学院院士Prof.Jacques Lucas在物电学院四楼学术报告厅做了题为“Glasses to see beyond the visible”的学术报告,报告会由先进激光材料与器件重点实验室杨志勇老师主持,先进激光材料与器件重点实验室部分师生参加了报告会。
Professor Jacques Lucas is a Ph.D. in solid state chemistry. He is a member of the FrenchAcademy of Sciences and Emeritus professor at the University of Rennes 1. He is a world renowned scientist on glasses and ceramics.He founded and headed the CNRS Glass and Ceramic laboratory at University of Rennes 1 for 30 years. In 1974, a new class of glasses called “Fluoride glasses” were discovered in this lab, and this led to very active research activities on fluoride glasses in the world. New non-conventional glasses such as Tellurium halides, TeX glasses, exhibiting a very wide IR transparency range were discovered in 1985 in this lab, opening the way to thermal imaging and remote IR fiber evanescent spectroscopy. In 1992, a new family of exotic, spaghetti-type vitreous materials was also discovered in this lab. Three start-up companies were founded based on the laboratory discoveries. He has received many awards from worldwide scientific organizations.He has published three books and more than 450 research articles.