2015年2月28日上午9:30,美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)Ya-Ping Sun(孙亚平)教授在物电学院四楼多功能报告厅做了题为“Carbon Quantum Dots - from Bioimaging to Energy Conversion”的学术报告,校教务处副处长刘莹主持了报告会,物电学院部分师生参加了报告会。
报告会内容:Carbon quantum dots (carbon dots) represent a new class of semiconductor-equivalent nanomaterials, nontoxic and environmentally benign, and with bright photoluminescence and excellent photoinduced redox properties. Much progress has been made in the development of carbon dots for a variety of fundamental and technological purposes. In this talk, recent advances in this emerging and rapidly expanding research field are highlighted, and some of the remaining major challenges discussed.
Ya-Ping Sun(孙亚平)教授是美国克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)的终身教授,Frank Henry Leslie of Natural and Physical Sciences讲席教授,是碳纳米材料领域的著名专家,在富勒烯、碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳量子点的化学和生物学研究方面都取得了许多重要研究成果。孙教授发表论文300余篇,H因子67,包括在顶级杂志Nature, JACS, Acc. Chem. Res., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano和Nano Lett.发表论文超过50余篇,论文引用超过10,000次。此外,孙教授主编和参编17部学术专著。
(1) Carbon Nanotubes and Nanosheets and Related Nanocomposite Materials for Novel Electrical and Thermal Properties and Applications (including those in biology and medicine).
(2) Carbon Dots as a New Class of Photoactive Nanomaterials for Optical Bioimaging and Other Fundamental Development and Technological Applications.
(3) Nanoenergetics and Novel Materials for New Energy Initiatives.