姓 名:冯锋 | 性 别:男 | |
职 称:特聘教授 | 系 别:物理与电子工程学院 | |
毕业院校:加拿大温莎大学 | 学 位:博士 | |
专业/研究方向:材料及电化学 | 电 话:18310072372 | |
E-mail:6020190121@jsnu.edu.cn / peterffeng@yahoo.ca |
江苏师范大学特聘教授,2002年获加拿大University of Windsor材料学博士,曾先后在国际最前沿技术的美国电动汽车技术(EVT)公司、柯达(Coda Automotive)电动汽车集团等国际知名企业从事动力锂离子电池及系统的研发、批量生产和公司高级管理者等工作达20余年。在材料学、电化学、新能源汽车用锂离子电池、环保型镍锌电池等领域具有深厚的专业知识及丰富的实践经验。曾任世界公司500强陶氏化学能源署“全球研发资深主管”。他主导研发的镍锌电池产品在2009年曾荣获美国大众科学“Popular Science”颁发的“全美顶尖年度最新科技奖-Best of What’s New”。他已取得美国发明专利7项,其中国际专利3项。在Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Computational Materials Science等国际能源领域杂志上发表学术论文40多篇,国际会议论文15篇,主导编订高端锂离子电池产品技术数据手册,在国内外国际学术会议上多次受邀作学术报告。他曾主持过5项美国国家能源部和企业出资的重点项目-高安全性、快充和低内阻等大型动力锂离子电池的研发和产业化。他极其擅长使用著名的“Taguchi性能同步最大化技术”研发新产品和解决实际技术问题。
1997.6 - 2002.3 获加拿大温莎大学材料及电化学博士学位
1987.9 - 1990.3 获上海大学材料学硕士学位
1983.9 - 1987.7 获合肥工业大学金属材料及热处理学士学位
2019.10 - 至今 中国江苏师范大学特聘教授
2017.5 - 2019.9 中国超威集团锂电研究院首席科学家、副院长
2011.6 - 2017.4 美国陶氏(Dow Chemical)化学有限责任公司,能源署全球研发部资深主管
2010.1 - 2011.6 美国柯达(Coda Automotive)电动汽车集团,电池研发部经理
2005.3 - 2009.12 美国PowerGenix 能源系统公司,新产品开发经理
2003.3 - 2005.2 美国电动汽车技术(EVT)公司,资深电化学家
序号 | 获奖项目名称 | 奖励名称 | 奖励等级 | 授奖单位 及国别 | 奖励 年度 | 本人 排名 |
1 | 新能源长期创新 | 国家级奖励 | 国家级 | 中国组织部 | 2017 | 第一 |
2 | 新型大功率动力电池产品的研发 | Best of What’s New (全美顶尖年度最新科技奖) | 国家级 | Popular Science (美国大众科学),美国 | 2009 | 第一 |
3 | 长寿命动力电池的设计和制造 | Power Award | 公司级 | 研发部,美国 | 2008 | 第一 |
专利 (Patents)
序号 | 专利名称 | 专利类型 | 专利 授权国 | 专利号 | 授权 公告日 |
1 | 一种钠镍电池正极材料用微米级超细氯化钠生产设备和工艺 | 发明 | 中国 | 201910934190.7 | 2019年9月29日 |
2 | Compositions Containing Conductive Additives, Related Electrodes and Related Batteries | 发明 | 美国/国际 | PCT/CN2019/100906 | 2018年6月8日 |
3 | A Novel Approach to Dramatically Improve the Performance of Fuel Cells | 发明 | 美国 | 62/798,596 | 正在进行 |
4 | High Accuracy Measurement of Bulk Electric Resistance for Semi Conductive Composite Materials | 发明 | 美国 | 62/793,488 | 2018年12月 20日 |
5 | Tin and Tin-Zinc Plated Substrates to Improve Ni-Zn Cell Performance | 发明 | 美国/国际 | PCT/US2008078335 | 2011年3月23日 |
6 | Inexpensive and High Performance Biocarbon Materials for Electrochemical Devices and Production Methods | 发明 | 美国 | US62096529 | 2014年12月23日 |
7 | Metallic Zinc Based Current Collector | 发明 | 美国/国际 | PCT/US2008053500 | 2009年12月29日 |
序号 | 组织或期刊名称 | 职务 | 任期 |
1 | Sigma XI - The Scientific Research Society (美国西格玛XI 科学研究会) | 评委 | 2010-2012 |
2 | The Electrochemical Society (ECS) (美国电化学协会) | 加州圣地亚哥分区学术交流协调人 | 2008-2011 |
重要国际学术会议报告 (Keynote Speeches at Various Major Conferences)
序号 | 报告名称 | 会议名称 | 主办方 | 时间 | 地点 | 报告类别 |
1 | Energy Materials and Energy Storage | International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development (IEID) | Chinese Academy of Engineering | September 19-20, 2018 | Shanghai, China | 主题演讲 |
2 | Li-ion Batteries for Heavy Duty Vehicle and Marine Applications | Advanced Automotive Battery Conference | Total Battery Consulting, Inc., U.S.A. | June 15-19, 2015 | Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. | 主题演讲 |
3 | Energy Materials and Energy Storage | Natural Gas and Hydrogen Storage (NGAHS) | University of Windsor, Canada | May 22, 2015 | Windsor, Canada | 主题演讲 |
4 | Lithium Transport and Capacity Retention During Aging of Li-ion Batteries | 3rd International EV Battery Forum | Dufresne, U.S.A. | April 12-14, 2011, | Barcelona, Spain | 学术演讲 |
5 | Performance of Advanced Ni-Zn Cells and Batteries | 26th International Battery Seminar | Florida Educational Seminars. Inc, U.S.A. | March 16-19, 2009 | Florida, U.S.A. | 学术演讲 |
6 | Hydrogen Diffusion in the Anode of Ni/MH Secondary Batteries | 23rd International Power Sources Symposium | Journal of Power Sources, U.S.A. | Sept 22-24, 2003 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 学术演讲 |
国际期刊论文摘选 (Journal Papers)
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Self-discharge Characteristics of a Metal Hydride Electrode for Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 30, n 12, p 1367-1370 (2005).
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Hydrogen Diffusion in the Anode of Ni/MH Secondary Batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, v 136, n 2, p 346-350 (2004).
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Effect of Surface Modification on the Performance of Negative Electrodes in Ni/MH batteries”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 29, n 9, p 955-960 (2004).
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Improved Performance of a Metal Hydride Electrode for Nickel/Metal Hydride Batteries Through Copper-coating”, Surface and Coatings Technology, v 167, n 2-3, p 263-268 (2003).
Z. Zhou, S. Fang and F. Feng, “Rules for Maximum Solid Solubility of Transition Metals in Ti, Zr and Hf Solvents”, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), v 13, p 864-868 (2003).
Z. Zhou, S. Fang and F. Feng, “Comparison Between Methods for Predicting Maximum Solid Solubility of Transition Metals in Solvent Metals” Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China (English Edition), v 13, p 1185-1189 (2003).
F. Feng, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Mathematical Model for the Plateau Region of P-C-Isotherms of Hydrogen-Absorbing Alloys Using Hydrogen Reaction Kinetics”, Computational Materials Science, v 23, n 1-4, p 291-299 (2002).
S.A. Gamboa, P.J. Sebastian, F. Feng, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Cyclic Voltametry Investigation of a Metal Hydride Electrode for Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v 149, n 2, p A137-A139 (2002).
F. Feng, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Electrochemical Behaviour of Intermetallic-Based Metal Hydrides Used in Ni/Metal Hydride (MH) Batteries: A Review”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 26, n 7, p 725-734 (2001).
M. Geng, F. Feng, P.J. Sebastian, A.J. Matchett and D.O. Northwood, “Charge Transfer and Mass Transfer Reactions in the Metal Hydride Electrode”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 26, n 2,p 165-169 (2001).
M. Geng, F. Feng, S.A. Gamboa, P.J. Sebastian, A.J. Matchett and D.O. Northwood, “Electrocatalytic Characteristics of the Metal Hydride Electrode for Advanced Ni/MH Batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, v 96, n 1, p 90-93 (2001).
M. Geng, F. Feng, J. Han, A.J. Matchett and D.O. Northwood, “Anodic Polarization and Galvanostatic Investigation of a Metal Hydride Alloy Electrode”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 26, n 2, p 133-137 (2001).
S. Fang, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, M. Yao, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “The Application of Mathematical Models to the Calculation of Selected Hydrogen Storage Properties (Formation Enthalpy and Hysteresis) of AB2-type Alloys”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 25, n 2, p 143-149 (2000).
F. Feng, J. Han, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Study of Hydrogen Transport in Metal Hydride Electrodes Using a Novel Electrochemical Method”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, v 487, n 2, p 111-119 (2000).
F. Feng, J. Han, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Hydrogen Desorption Kinetics of a LaNi4.7Al0.3 Metal Hydride Electrode Using Potentiostatic Measurements”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, v 62, n 1-2, p 51-61 (2000).
M. Geng, J. Han, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Electrochemical Measurements of a Metal Hydride Electrode for the Ni/MH Battery”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 25, n 3, p 203-210 (2000).
F. Feng, J. Han, M. Shen, M. Geng, Z. Zhou and D.O. Northwood, “Electrochemical Properties of a LaNi4.7Al0.3 Alloy Used for the Negative Electrode in Ni/MH Batteries”, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, v 2, n 1, p 45-50 (1999).
M. Geng, J. Han, F. Feng, A.J. Matchett and D.O. Northwood, “Polarization Performance of a MH Electrode at the Interface Between the MH Alloy Powder and Electrolyte”, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, v 2, n 4, p 261-265 (1999).
J. Han, F. Feng, M. Geng, R. Buxbaum and D.O. Northwood, “Electrochemical Characteristics of the Interface Between the Metal Hydride Electrode and Electrolyte for an Advanced Ni/MH Battery”, Journal of Power Sources, v 80, n 1-2, p 39-45 (1999).
M. Geng, J. Han, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Charging/Discharging Stability of A Metal Hydride Battery Electrode”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v 146, n 7, p 2371-2375 (1999).
M. Geng, J. Han, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Characteristics of the High-Rate Discharge Capability of a Nickel/Metal Hydride Battery Electrode”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v 146, n 10, p 3591-3595 (1999).
S. Fang, Z. Zhou, J. Zhang, M. Yao, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Two Mathematical Models for the Hydrogen Storage Properties of AB2-Type Alloys”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 293, p 10-13 (1999).
F. Feng, X. Ping, Z. Zhou, M. Geng, J. Han and D.O. Northwood, “The Relationship Between Equilibrium Potential During Discharge and Hydrogen Concentration in a Metal Hydride Electrode”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 23, n 7, p 599-602 (1998).
M. Geng, J. Han, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Hydrogen-Absorbing Alloys for the Ni/MH Batteries”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, v 23, n 11, p 1055-1060 (1998).
国际会议论文摘选 (Specialized Publications and Conference Presentations)
F. Feng, “Energy Materials and Energy Storage”, presented at the 2nd International Forum on Innovation and Emerging Industries Development (IEID), September 19-20, 2018, Shanghai, China.
F. Feng, “XALT Energy Lithium-ion Batteries for Heavy Duty Vehicle and Marine Applications”, presented at the 15th Advanced Automotive Batteries, June 15-19, 2015, Detroit, USA.
F. Feng, “Energy Materials and Energy Storage”,presented at the Natural Gas and Hydrogen Storage(NGAHS),May 22, 2015,Windsor, Canada.
F. Feng, C. Tung, B. Wang, N. Zhang, P. Gow and B. TenHouten, “Lithium Transport and Capacity Retention During Aging of Li-ion Batteries, presented at the 3rd International EV Battery Forum, April 12-14, 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
F. Feng and F. Kruger, “Performance of Advanced Ni-Zn Cells and Batteries, presented at 26th International Battery Seminar, March 16-19, 2009, Florida, U.S.A.
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Hydrogen Diffusion in the Anode of Ni/MH Secondary Batteries, presented at the 23rd International Power Sources Symposium, September 22-24, 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Improvement of High-rate Dischargeability and Discharge Potential of a MH Electrode for Advanced Ni/MH Batteries, presented at the 201st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Inc., May 12-17, 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
F. Feng, G. Lin, J. Zhang, Z. Zhou and D.O. Northwood, “Steady State Performance of A Copper-coated Negative Electrode Used in Advanced Ni/MH Batteries”, presented at the 4th Hawaii Battery Conference, international Meeting on Power Sources for Consumer and Industrial Applications, January 8-11, 2002, The Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island of Hawaii, U.S.A.
F. Feng, J. Han, M. Geng and D.O. Northwood, “Discharge Kinetics of a LaNi4.7 Al0.3 Alloy Electrode for the Negative Electrode in Ni/MH Batteries”, presented at the 15th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, June 13-18, 1999, Beijing, China.
M. Geng, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Hydrogen Diffusion in the MH Electrode and Proton Diffusion in the Nickel Hydroxide Electrode of a Ni/MH Battery”, presented at the International Symposium on New Materials and Renewable Energy, August 29-September 2, 1999, Cancun, Mexico.
M. Geng, F. Feng and D.O. Northwood, “Charge/discharge Performance of the Experimental Ni/MH Battery”, presented at the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, June 21-26, 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Z. Zhou, F. Feng, J. Zhang, Y. Xiong, X. Ping and Q. Huang, “Study on the Mathematical Model of PCT Curve of Mm0.6Ml0.4Ni5-xCox Hydrogen Storage Alloys”, presented at the Third IUMRS International Conference on the Fabrication and Characterization of Advanced Materials, May 1-5, 1995, Seoul, Korea.
美国能源部技术总结报告 (Technical Summary Reports for US DOE Projects)
F. Feng, M. Lee, “Development of Large Format Lithium Ion Cells with Higher Energy Density”, July 28, 2015.
F. Feng, V. Mahajan, L. Stevenson, “Cathode Material Characterization and Long Life of Li-ion Cells”, September 13, 2014.
K. Inman, F. Feng, “NREL Modeling of High Energy Lithium Ion Batteries”, August 5, 2013.
F. Feng, M. Lee, J. Andes, “Low Temperature Performance Improvement and Resistance Reduction of Lithium Ion Batteries”, October 12, 2012.