英国南安普顿大学Dr Jacob Mackenzie学术报告


    1115日下午三点半,英国南安普顿大学Dr Jacob Mackenzie在物电学院四楼学术报告厅作了题为“Planar waveguides: the laser architecture in the middle”的学术报告,会议由沈德元院长主持,重点实验室教师和研究生参加并聆听了报告。











    Since the inception of the solid-state laser, the system “architecture” for power scaling has typically evolved with an emphasis on mitigation of the detrimental thermal effects produced by waste heat deposited in the active medium; examples include bulk rods with end-caps, slabs, thin-disks, and optical fibres. The respective progression between these different active media geometries follows an increasing ratio of the cooling surface-area to the excitation volume. Similarly the planar waveguide (PW) architecture capitalizes on an extreme aspect ratio placing it in the “middle” between the thin-disk and fibre in the previous scale. This talk will discuss the research undertaken at the Optoelectronics Research Centre and how this fits within the context of global research in the area.