报 告 人:Andrey K. Komarov,Leading scientific researcher,Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
报告时间:2019年11月21日(周四)上午 9:00
The main field of his scientificinterests is nonlinear dynamics of ultrashort pulses in lasers and variousnonlinear systems. A. Komarov has developed the theory of laser passivemode-locking which describes the quantization of radiation into identical dissipativesolitons, multistability and multihysteresis phenomena, threshold self-start ofpassive mode-locking, and other effects. He is the specialist on numericalsimulation of nonlinear optical systems. He is the author of 150 publications.Among them patents for invention on fiber lasers and papers in journals:Physical Review A & E, Optics Letters, Applied Physics B, OpticsCommunication, Optical Fiber Technology, JOSA and so on. He is also thecoauthor of monograph “Nonlinear dynamics of formation and interaction ofultrashort pulses in passively mode-locked lasers” by Komarov A.K., KomarovK.P., Dmitriev A.K. – Novosibirsk: NSTU Publisher, 2017. – 288 p. ISBN978-5-7782-3339-3.
A. Komarov presented the reports atInternational Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Barcelona, Spain,2005, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2006, Rome, Italy, 2007, Athens, Greece,2008, Ponta Delgada, Island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal 2009, Munich,Germany, 2010, Coventry, England, 2012, Graz, Austria, 2014; CLEO/Europe-IQEC,Munich, Germany, 2005; CLEO-PR, Hong Kong, China, 2018; Congress of theinternational commission for optics, Firenze, Italy 2002; SPIE PhotonicsEurope, Strasbourg, France, 2008, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, 2010, 2012, 2014;International conference on coherent and nonlinear optics, Minsk, 2001, St.Petersburg, 2005, Moscow, 2013; Laser Optics, St. Petersburg, 1998, 2000, 2003,2006, 2010; Nonlinear waves – theory and application, Beijing, China, 2010;International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, Shanghai, China,2012; Nonlinear Photonics, Barcelona, Spain, 2014; OSA Laser Congress, Vienna,Austria, 2019, and others.
本讲座主要分析被动锁模光纤激光器中类噪声脉冲的产生。所采用的主方程考虑了增益饱和、增益及折射率的二阶频率色散,损耗及折射率的三阶及五阶非线性. 通过研究类噪声脉冲的稳定机理发现,类噪声脉冲的空间-时间局域化与该脉冲外的独立孤子的抑制有关。讲座进一步分析了这些独立孤子与类噪声脉冲之间的竞争机制。