报 告 人:Yap Vooi Voon,副教授,马来西亚拉曼大学
报告题目:Reliable Embedded System Design Using Multiprocessorand Multi-core Technology
Dr.Yap Vooi Voonis currently an Associate Professor and Dean of Faculty of Engineering andGreen Technology at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). He received his PhDin Wavelet-based Image Compression for Mobile Devices from MiddlesexUniversity, London. He has more than 35 years of teaching experience incolleges and universities both in the United Kingdom and Malaysia, with specialinterest in embedded systems and video surveillance. He is a Charter Engineer(CEng) UK and Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)UK.
Embedded systemsare computers within devices such as smart phones, cars, planes and medicaldevices. As these systems grow more complicated, ensuring the reliability ofembedded systems can present significant challenges for any organization. Thistalk will explore the challenges involved in designing reliable embeddedsystems. The use of multiprocessor and multi-core processors will also beexplored.