报告题目: Advanced Solid-State LasersBased on Cr2+-Doped Chalcogenide Crystals Operating at SpectralRange of 2.3-3.1 Microns
报 告 人:俄罗斯科学院应用物理研究所Prof.Oleg Antipov
报告时间:2019年5月6日 14:30-15:30
The presentation is devoted to overview of study ofsolid-state lasers based on single-crystalline or polycrystalline chalcogenidesZnSe and CdSe doped by Cr2+ ions. Gain switched laser operation atwavelengths of 2.3-3 μm under 2-μm laser pumping was studied.
Efficient gain-switched laser operation at 2.3-2.7 µmwas achieved in polycrystalline Cr2+:ZnSe slabs (with rectangular orzig-zag optical-path configurations) pumped at 2.1 µm by the pulsed Ho3+:YAGlaser. Laser oscillator based on Cr2+:CdSe single crystal pumped byradiation of Tm3+:Lu2O3-ceramic laser wascreated and investigated. Repetitively-pulsed oscillations at the wavelength of2.92 μm with bandwidth of 80 nm were demonstrated.Efficientgain-switched Cr2+:CdSe single-crystal laser operating around 3 µmand pumped by a 2.09-µm repetitively-pulsed Ho3+:YAG laser wascreated..
Prof. Oleg Antipov is the leadingscientist in the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy ofSciences. His research interests include nonlinear optics and laser physics.The main accomplishments include: (1) Development of high-power solid-statelasers with a self-adapting cavity completed by dynamic refractive indexgratings. (2) Development of high-power and high-efficiency compact solid-statelasers and nonlinear parametric systems in the mid-infrared spectral region.(3) Development of the all-fiber coherent combining method using dynamicrefractive index control in active fiber. (4) Development of hybrid fiber-bulklaser systems in near-infrared and mid-infrared spectral regions for medicalapplications.